Studien und Veröffentlichungen
Liebe Besucher, unter "Publikationen" finden Sie die neuesten wissenschaftlichen Erkenntnisse zur Enzymtherapie. Eine Liste ausgewählter Studien und Literatur steht Ihnen als Download zur freien Verfügung.
- Alkaline Mineral Supplementation Decreases Pain in Rheumatoid Arthritis Patients: A Pilot Study
- Citratsupplementierung bei Sehnenansatzreizungen
- Effects of dietary protein-load and alkaline supplementation on acid–base balance and glucose metabolism in healthy elderly
- Exercise Training, Intermittent Fasting and Alkaline Supplementation as an E ective Strategy for Body Weight Loss: A 12-Week Placebo-Controlled Double-Blind Intervention with Overweight Subjects
- Supplementation with alkaline minerals reduces symtoms in patients with chronic low back pain
- Pfister-Schingale 2020 Selenium Deficiency Lymphedema
- A Distinct Cytokine Profile and Stromal Vascular Fraction Metabolic Status without Significant Changes in the Lipid Composition Characterizes Lipedema
- Lipedema—Pathogenesis, Diagnosis, and Treatment Options
- Adipositas-assoziierte Lymphödeme – unterschätzt und unterbehandelt
Bromelain und Papain
- The effects of bromelain on osteoarthritis symptoms: A systematic review
- Beneficial Properties of Bromelain
- Effectiveness of Bromelain in the control of postoperative pain after periodontal surgery: A crossover randomized clinical trial
- Therapeutic uses of pineapple-extracted bromelainin surgical care - A review
- Effectiveness of Papain as an Anti-Inflammatory Agent in Patients Undergoing Surgical Removal of Impacted Teeth-A Randomized Double Blinded Clinical Trial
- Beneficial Properties of Bromelain
- Effects of Proteases from Pineapple and Papaya on Protein
- Papain ameliorates monocyte-platelet aggregate formation-mediated inflammatory responses in monocytes by upregulating miRNA-146a transcription
- Papain-like cysteine proteases as hubs in plant immunity
- Bromelain a Potential Bioactive Compound
- Passive transfer of fibromyalgia symptoms from patients to mice
- Altered microbiome composition in individuals with fibromyalgia
- Bromelain reduced pro‑inflammatory mediators as a common pathway that mediate antinociceptive and anti‑anxiety effects in sciatic nerve ligated Wistar rats
- Fibromyalgia and cytokines 2014
- Fibromyalgia: Pathogenesis, Mechanisms, Diagnosis and Treatment Options Update
- Proteasis induce secretion of collagenase and plasminogen activator by fibroblasts
Regulative Enzymtherapie
- Systemic Enzyme Therapy in Oncology
- Bromelain and Nisin: The Natural Antimicrobials with High Potential in Biomedicine
- Chronische Lymphödeme (cLÖ)- Entstehung und naturheilkundliche Therapie, unter bes. Berücksichtigung der Regulativen Enzymtherapie
- Naturheilkundliche Enzymtherapie bei Rückenschmerz
- Langzeitentgiftung des Körpers von Arbeitern mit Schwermetallbelastung mittels eines Enzym-Kombinations-Präparates
Retrolektive Kohortestudien einer additiven Therapie mit Enzymen:
- Bei Patienten mit multiplem Myelom_2001
- Bei Patienten mit kolorektalem Krebs_2001
- Bei Patientinnen mit Brustkrebs_2001
Hydrolytische Enzyme in der Strahlentherapie:
Neue Erkenntnisse:
Enzym Lysozym
- Pharmacological Modulation of Host Immunity with Hen Egg White Lysozyme (HEWL) — A Review
- Lysozyme Chemotherapy and Radiotherapy 2019
- Anti-inflammatory effect of lysozyme 2017.pdf
- Studie Antimicrobial Activity an Synergism of Lactoferrin and Lysozyme against Cariogenic Microorganism
- Studie Antimicrobial Activity of lysozyme, Asian Journal_2016
- From bacterial killing to immune modulation: Recent insights into the functions of lysozyme 2017
- Lysozyme Distribution in healthy human skin_1982
- Elastin changes during chronological and photo-ageing: the important role of lysozyme_2006
- Protective role of the skin against infection_ 2005
- Host defense proteins on the surface of neonatal skin_2008
- Lysozyme – burn trauma_1975
- The Dynamics of the skin's Immune System_2019
- Isolation and Characterization of human skin lysozym_1971
- The potential of lactoferrin, ovotransferrin and lysozyme as antiviral and immune-modulating agents in COVID-19_2020
- Antiviral effects of nisiun, lysozyme, lactoferrin and theirs mixtures against bovine viral diarrhoea virus_2019
- Use of high-dose lysozyme in the treatment of herpes zoster and flat warts_1984
- Randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled clinical trial to assess the safety and effectiveness of a novel dual-action oral topical formulation against upper respiratory infections_2017
- Efficacy and safety of oral spray containing Lysozyme and Cetylpyridinium: Subjective determination of patients with Tonsillopharygitis_2016
- Lysozyme in the treatment of juvenile laryngeal papillomatosis. A new concept in its etiopathogenesis_1990
Vitamin E:
Vitamin A:
Vitamin D3:
- The Safety Profile of Vitamin D Supplements Using Real-World Data from 445,493 Participants of the UK Biobank: Slightly Higher Hypercalcemia Prevalence but Neither Increased Risks of Kidney Stones nor Atherosclerosis
- Effect of Vitamin D Supplements on Relapse or Death in a p53-Immunoreactive Subgroup With Digestive Tract Cancer Post Hoc Analysis of the AMATERASU Randomized Clinical Trial
- Low Vitamin D Levels Are Associated With Long COVID Syndrome in COVID-19 Survivors
- Epidemic influenza and vitamin D
- D3 potent suppressor-2005
- Vitamin D-Germany adults 2015
- Vitamin D - Hindawi-2015
- Severe vitamin D deficiency associated with higher sepsis mortality and longer hospital stay
- Vitamin D und Covid 19
- Vitamin D nutrients
- Vitamin D und Influenza-Sundaram-Coleman
- Studie D3_06.2021
- Low Vitamin D Levels Are Associated With Long COVID Syndrome in COVID-19 Survivors
- Basic review D and Cov19 – 2020
- High dose D-Covid-19 Research – 2020
- Nutrients-13.pdf
- Pilot study using calcitriol-elsevier
- SARS-CoV-2 positivity rates D-level - 2020
- Serum 25-Covid stage a mortality - 2020
- Vitamine D deficiency and outcome of Cov-19c- 2020
- Vitamine D insufficiency nutrients
- Combined Vitamin D, Omega-3 Fatty Acids, and a simple home exercise program may reduce cancer risk among active adults aged 70 and older: A Randomized Clinical Trial
- Keum 2019 Vitamin D Krebs Studie
- The role of vitamin D supplementation for primary prevention of cancer meta analysis of randomized controlled trials
- Vitamine D supplementation to the older adult - Niedermaier etc. Nov.2020
- Zhang Niu 2019 Vitamin D – cancer
- Vitamin D-Supplementierung: möglicher Gewinn an Lebensjahren bei gleichzeitiger Kostenersparnis
- Vitamin D für jeden über 50 – ließen sich so 30.000 Krebstote verhindern?
- WHO Zahlen Krebsinzidenzen.pdf
Vitamin D3 und Covid 19:
Vitamin D und Krebs:
Vitamin C:
Vitamin K2:
- Beyond pathogens: microbiota interactions with the plant immune system
- Long Covid
- Oxidative Stress_2005
- Posttraumatic Stress Symptoms_1997
- Posttraumatic Stress Disorder_2011
- Kim et al. - Lactobacilllus - 2007
- Kim et al. - Bifidus Lysates - 2007
- Biziulevicius - microbial proteolysis - 2006
- Ruedi et al. - bacterial lysates - 1994
Resorption von Enzymen im Darm:
- Streichhan, van Schaik und Stauder - Bioavailability Enzymes - 1995
- Castell-Friedrich et al. - 1997
- Targoni -1999
- AKOM Artikel 04_22
- Chronische Entzündungen
- MEF Sonderdruck 04_22
- Gegendarstellung zu dem Artikel in der DAZ Nr. 22 „Enzympräparate unter der Lupe" von Christiane Schön und Frank Bayer
- Der regulative Einfluss von Proteasen auf low-level-Entzündungen und AGEs (Advanced Glycation Endproducts) (von Dr. med. Rudolf Inderst, zaenmagazin 3/2013)
- Hilfe zur Selbsthilfe (Eichstätter journal 3.2013)
- Erektile Dysfunktion - Therapiemöglichkeit mit orthomolekularer Medizin (Deutsche Heilpraktiker Zeitschrift, 2011; 2)
- Endothelialer Wachstumsfaktor
- Sonderdruck - Enzymtherapie (ärztliches journal onkologie nr. 1/2009)
- Enzymtherapie bei Krebs wird jetzt wissenschaftlich untermauert (Ärzte Zeitung 30.10.2008)